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Assortment of gemstone cocktail rings.Assortment of gemstone cocktail rings.

Birthstone Colors

Birthstones offer a wide range of colors, with each month featuring a unique gemstone that holds special meaning and beauty. Here's a look at each month's birthstone colors.

January Birthstone Color

Garnet, the January birthstone, displays a rich, deep red color. The distinctive hue results from iron and chromium trace elements within the crystal structure. The best quality garnets show a pure red that's both bold and elegant, making them perfect for both classic and modern jewelry designs. Read our Garnet Guide to learn more.

January Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Garnets

February Birthstone Color

Amethyst, the February birthstone, comes in shades of purple ranging from light lavender to deep violet. The color originates from natural radiation of trace amounts of iron within the crystal lattice. The most valuable amethysts show a rich, royal purple color that's not too dark or too light.

February Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Amethysts

March Birthstone Color

Aquamarine, the March birthstone, shows a light, airy blue color. The pleochroic nature of aquamarine means it can display different color intensities when viewed from different angles. Read our Aquamarine Guide to learn more.

March Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Aquamarines

April Birthstone Color

Diamonds, the birthstones of April, are traditionally colorless, though they can range from completely clear (D color) to having slight yellow or brown tints. Read our 4 Cs of Diamonds Guide to learn more.

April Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Natural Diamonds | Shop Lab Diamonds

Assortment of gemstone cocktail rings.

May Birthstone Color

Emerald, the May birthstone, displays a lush green color that can range from light to dark. The distinctive green color results from chromium and vanadium trace elements within the beryl crystal structure. The most desired emeralds show a bright, vivid green with good saturation. Read our Emerald Guide to learn more.  

May Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Emeralds 

June Birthstone Color

Pearl and alexandrite are June’s two birthstones. Pearl comes in several colors including white, cream, and black, often showing beautiful overtones of pink, silver, or green. Alexandrite, June's other birthstone, demonstrates remarkable color-change properties, shifting from green in daylight to red in incandescent light due to chromium ions in its crystal structure. Read our Pearl Guide and Alexandrite Guide to learn more.  

June Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Alexandrites 

July Birthstone Color

Ruby's signature red color stems from chromium ions within the corundum crystal structure. The color can range from slightly purplish-red to orangish-red, with the purest red commanding the highest values. Read our July Birthstone Guide to learn more. 

July Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Rubies 

August Birthstone Color

There are three birthstones for the month of August: peridot, spinel, and sardonyx. Peridot displays a yellow-green to olive-green color caused by iron within its crystal structure. Spinel, another August birthstone, offers various colors including bright red and hot pink, while sardonyx shows striking bands of reddish brown and white. 

August Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Spinels | Shop Peridots

Assortment of gemstone cocktail and fashion rings.

September Birthstone Color

Sapphire is available in many colors, but the sapphire color associated with September’s birthstone is a rich blue color. The classic blue coloration results from iron and titanium within the corundum crystal structure. Read our Sapphire Guide to learn more.  

September Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Sapphires

October Birthstone Color

There are two birthstones for October: opal and tourmaline. Opal exhibits a play-of-color phenomenon where the stone flashes different colors as it moves in the light. White opals have a light-colored background that displays flashes of various colors including blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Tourmaline, October's other birthstone, displays various colors including pink, green, and blue.  

October Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Tourmalines  

November Birthstone Color

November has two birthstones: citrine and topaz. Citrine presents in yellow to orange hues caused by iron impurities within quartz. Topaz, November's other birthstone, ranges from blue to yellow-orange, with imperial topaz displaying a highly valued pinkish-orange color. Read our Topaz Guide to learn more.  

November Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Citrines | Shop Topaz

December Birthstone Color

December has four birthstones and offers several blue-hued options: Tanzanite, turquoise, zircon, or topaz. 

December Birthstone Jewelry | Shop Blue Topaz | Shop Tanzanites

Assortment of gemstone fine jewelry.