
Red-naped Ibises

The Red-naped Ibises (Pseudibis papillosa) – also known as Indian Black Ibis – is a species of ibis found in parts of South Asia, where it inhabits marshes, lakes, riverbeds and irrigated farmland. This species is less aquatic than most other species of ibis.

They are common breeders in the state of Haryana in North India.

Ibises resemble herons and share many of their habitats and behavioral traits, but unlike herons, ibises fly with necks outstretched and often in V-formation.



This large Red-naped ibis has a mostly glossy dark brown / blackish plumage with a red patch on the head and a white patch near the shoulders.

It has a curlew-like long down-curved bill and reddish / flesh-colored legs and feet.

Males and females look alike.


Breeding / Nesting

In North India, most breeding activities have been observed from March through October.

The nests are shallow cup-shaped platforms of sticks, grasses or reeds that are typically situated on trees near a body of water, such as rivers, swamps or lakes. The average clutch consists of 2 – 4 eggs. The nests are often reused year-after-year.


Diet / Feeding

Indian ibises mostly feed in shallow waters on aquatic insects, mollusks, frogs, and food sifted from the water surface.

Their diet also includes insects caught on land, as well as lizards, worms, skinks, and other small reptiles.


Ibis Information and Listing of SpeciesIbis Species Photo Gallery



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Gordon Ramel

Gordon is an ecologist with two degrees from Exeter University. He's also a teacher, a poet and the owner of 1,152 books. Oh - and he wrote this website.

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