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Collared Crows – Species Information



The Collared Crow (Corvus torquatus), alos known as the Ring-necked Crow or White-collared Crow, is about the same size or slightly larger (52-55 cm in length) than the Carrion Crow with proportionately slightly longer wings, tail and bill. A sleek and handsome bird, it has glossy black plumage except for the back of the neck, upper back (mantle), and a broad band around the lower breast that is white. The bill, legs and feet are black.

It sometimes flies with its feet hanging down below the body in a characteristically “lazy” way.


Distribution and habitat

The range of this species is basically China, covering large areas of the country though not further north than Beijing. It occurs in plains and low lying river valleys in fairly open country and cultivated regions and is a common sight in paddy fields. It tends to avoid large towns and cities and is predominantly a rural species.



Food is sought mainly on the ground where a large range of items are taken, such as insects, mollusks and other invertebrates (even from shallow water), grains, especially rice and it also searches among refuse for suitable food items left by humans. It appears to take less carrion than other species but will if the opportunity arises, and will also take eggs and nestlings.



The nest is usually in a tree and is plastered with mud. There are usually 3-4 eggs laid.



The voice is a loud “kaaar” repeated several times with other slight variations on it to suit the occasion. It also like many other corvids, utters strange clipping and clicking sounds during its head bowing display to another bird.

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Gordon Ramel

Gordon is an ecologist with two degrees from Exeter University. He's also a teacher, a poet and the owner of 1,152 books. Oh - and he wrote this website.

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