Wild Birds

Stone-curlews or Thick-knees – Burhinidae

Stone-curlews or Thick-knees – Burhinidae

The Stone-curlews (family Burhinidae) are also commonly known as Thick-knees. The term Stone-curlew owes its origin to the broad similarities with true curlews (which are not closely related).

Stone-Curlew Photo Gallery

A Stone-curlew Sitting On The Grass
A Stone-curlew Sitting On The Grass

The Stone-curlews (family Burhinidae) are also commonly known as Thick-knees. The term Stone-curlew owes its origin to the broad similarities with true curlews (which are not closely related).


Distribution / Range

These waders that are found worldwide within the tropical zone, with some species also breeding in temperate Europe and Australia.

Most species are sedentary, but the Stone Curlew is a summer migrant in the temperate European part of its range, wintering in Africa.

Most species prefer arid or semi-arid habitats.



They are medium to large waders with strong black or yellow black bills, large yellow eyes—which give them a reptilian appearance—and cryptic plumage.

Thick-knee refers to the prominent joints in the long yellow or greenish legs and apparently originated with a name coined in 1776 for B. oedicnemus, the Thick-kneed Bustard.

They are largely nocturnal, particularly when singing their loud wailing songs, which are reminiscent of true curlews.


Diet / Feeding

The diet consists mainly of insects and other invertebrates (= animals without internal skeleton, such as larvae, earthworms, millipedes, snails, spiders).

Larger species will also take lizards and even small mammals.

Stone Curlews Bird Standing on a Rocks
Stone Curlews Bird Standing on a Rocks

Index of Stone-Curlew (Species Image Gallery)


Species Research by Sibylle Johnson


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Gordon Ramel

Gordon is an ecologist with two degrees from Exeter University. He's also a teacher, a poet and the owner of 1,152 books. Oh - and he wrote this website.

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