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Two bezel lab diamond engagement ringsTwo bezel lab diamond engagement rings

Do Lab Grown Diamonds Have Inclusions?

This guide will comprehensively explore inclusions in lab grown diamonds, including why they occur and the types of inclusions commonly found, and address frequently asked questions. 

Do Lab Diamonds Have Inclusions?

Much like their natural counterparts, lab-grown diamonds have inclusions despite being created in controlled environments, such as high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) chambers or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactors. Inclusions in lab diamonds often stem from variations during their formation process, such as inconsistencies in temperature, pressure, or the introduction of foreign particles into the growth chamber. 

While inclusions are typically less pronounced in lab grown diamonds due to their controlled environments, they are still evaluated using the same clarity grading scale as natural diamonds, which ranges from Flawless (F) to Included (I). 

Assortment of loose lab diamonds

Why Do Lab Grown Diamonds Have Inclusions?

The inclusions in lab grown diamonds are an organic byproduct of their growth process. Depending on the method of creation, the reasons for these inclusions can vary: 

HPHT Method: 

  • This method mimics the high-pressure, high-temperature conditions under which natural diamonds form. 
  • Metallic inclusions, such as iron, nickel, or cobalt, may result from the metal catalysts used during the growth process. 
  • Irregularities in temperature or pressure can also lead to inclusions like tiny voids or irregular growth patterns. 

CVD Method: 

  • Inclusions in lab diamonds grown through CVD primarily result from impurities in the carbon source or uneven growth on the diamond seed plate. 
  • Inclusions include black pinpoints, which are tiny spots of uncrystallized carbon, and graining patterns caused by uneven growth. 

Understanding these inclusions helps gemologists assess the quality and authenticity of lab grown diamonds while providing insights into their formation. To learn more, read our guide on How Lab Diamonds Are Made.

Lab diamond engagement rings and a loose diamond

What Inclusions Might Be Found in a Lab Grown Diamond?

Lab grown diamonds can exhibit a variety of inclusions, many of which differ from those in natural diamonds: 

  • Metallic Inclusions: Found mainly in HPHT diamonds, these are small traces of the metal catalysts used in the process. Depending on the lab diamond’s clarity grade, these inclusions are often visible under magnification. 
  • Graining Patterns: Sometimes present in CVD diamonds, these appear as striations within the diamond, and are caused by uneven growth during its formation. 
  • Pinpoints: These appear as tiny black or white spots resulting from uncrystallized carbon or other impurities. 
  • Clouds: Groups of microscopic inclusions that can create a hazy or cloudy effect in the diamond. 
  • Graphite Inclusions: These are the result of remnants of the carbon source used in their creation. 

Lab grown diamonds are thoroughly inspected for these inclusions, ensuring their clarity grade reflects their overall visual attributes. 

Assortment of lab diamond engagement rings


Do lab grown diamonds have imperfections?

Lab grown diamonds can have impurities, particularly in the form of trace elements or foreign particles introduced during their growth. For instance, metallic inclusions are common in HPHT diamonds, while uncrystallized carbon may appear in CVD diamonds. These impurities do not diminish the diamond's overall durability but may affect its clarity grade. 

Do lab grown diamonds have impurities?

Lab grown diamonds can have impurities, particularly in the form of trace elements or foreign particles introduced during their growth. For instance, metallic inclusions are common in HPHT diamonds, while uncrystallized carbon may appear in CVD diamonds. These impurities do not diminish the diamond's overall durability but may affect its clarity grade.

Do lab grown diamonds have less inclusions than natural diamonds?

Lab grown diamonds are less likely to have inclusions when compared to natural diamonds, and the inclusions present in lab grown diamonds are typically different in composition and formation from those found in natural diamonds. This is because lab grown diamonds are produced in controlled environments, minimizing the chance of irregularities and changing their visual characteristics.